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Flowering trees

There are particular varieties of trees that are best known for producing beautiful flowers. Popular flowering trees include flowering cherries, Amelanchier, crab apples, viburnum, magnolia, sorbus and the tulip tree, which all look wonderful when in full bloom. Blooming trees add much needed vertical structure, colour and ascent to gardens of all sizes and to make things easier we’ve dedicated this page to the best varieties to choose. Perhaps the most iconic flowering tree is the Japanese flowering cherry – known the world over for its beautiful pink blossoms and the star of national and international Cherry Blossom Festivals. Flowering cherries are renowned for their vibrant display of pale pink blossoms and subtle almond fragrance in the spring.  Another good choice is magnolia which has instantly-recognisable, goblet-shaped blooms produced on bare stems in spring before the leaves. As with all trees, pay particular attention to the eventual height of the tree you’re looking to buy and how this compares to the space you have available. Tree that initially look small and slow growing could over time outgrow their allotted space, potentially blocking out light and interfering with the foundations of your house. You can use the Product Filters to narrow your selection further by eventual height/spread, aspect, soil type and hardiness.

In stock
8-10cm trunk girth, 40-50 litre pot
In stock
4-5 Litre pot (60-80cm stem)
In stock
5-7 Litre pot (80-100cm stem)
In stock
7-10 Litre pot (150-180cm tall)
In stock
10-15 Litre pot (100-120cm stem)
In stock
20-25 Litre pot* (125-150cm multi-stem)
In stock
7-15 Litre pot (120-150cm stem)
In stock
20-25 Litre pot* (150-175cm tall)
In stock
In stock
In stock
10-15 Litre pot (100-120cm tall)
In stock
7-10 Litre pot (110-130cm stem)

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By flower colour
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By hardiness
By soil type
By soil pH
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