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Shrubs with blue flowers

Shop our range of shrubs with blue flowers, including buddleia, caryopteris, ceanothus, hebe, hydrangea, lavender, rosemary and vinca. Light and pale blues and bluey-purples work well in soft colour schemes to bring a sense of calm to the garden. Brighter blues work well to inject vibrancy and aliven the into the garden without having quite the same and sometimes overbearing intensity of reds and yellows.

Buy Hydrangea macrophylla Mariesii Perfecta (Hydrangea Lacecap) online from Jacksons Nurseries
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2-3 Litre pot
Buy Hydrangea macrophylla Nikko Blue (Hydrangea Mophead) online from Jacksons Nurseries.
In stock
2-3 Litre pot
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5 Litre pot
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5-7 Litre pot
Buy Rosmarinus officinalis Blue Lagoon (Rosemary ) online from Jacksons Nurseries.
In stock
2-3 Litre pot
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2-3 Litre pot
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2-3 Litre pot
In stock
5 Litre pot

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