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Shop all plants for shade

Shop all our plants for shade including ferns, hardy geraniums, hellebores, euphorbia and many more. Shade may be cast by walls, buildings, trees or larger shrubs and is becoming increasingly common as gardens get smaller. Shade could be partial shade, referring to parts of the garden that get direct sun for less than 6 hours a day; dappled shade such as areas that are cast partly into shadow from open canopies of overhanging trees; or full shade, being dense shade with less than 2 hours per day in direct sunlight. Plants for shade gather what light is available using their generally large leaves rich in chlorophyll. This means they often have very green foliage. Small-leaved variegated plants are generally less successful in shade as they have less chlorophyll. An otherwise dull, shaded area of the garden can be made to flourish through careful selection of shade tolerant plants – we’ve handpicked the best varieties for you in this section. Ferns are highly versatile, shade-loving plants with a mysterious intricate appearance, grown for their foliage and requiring very little care and attention. They’re perfect as a backdrop for showier flowering plants and berrying shrubs. Hardy geraniums are amazingly good in shade, even dry shade and combining well with snowdrops and other spring bulbs.

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4-5 Litre pot (60-80cm stem)
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5-7 Litre pot (80-100cm stem)
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7-10 Litre pot (150-180cm tall)
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10-15 Litre pot (100-120cm stem)
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5 Litre pot
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3-5 Litre pot
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3-5 Litre pot
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3-5 Litre pot
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3-5 Litre pot
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3-5 Litre pot
3-5 Litre pot
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3 Litre pot
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