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Shop all plants for presents

Shop our full range of plants for presents, the perfect gift for budding or seasoned gardeners. For less than the price of a decent bouquet, you can send your lucky recipient some beautiful potted plants that can be enjoyed and appreciated for many years to come. As well as being thoughtful gifts, plants are environmentally friendly and proven to improve wellbeing, giving your lucky recipient an excuse to get outdoors and spend some time in the garden. Plant gifts work well for any occasion – mothers day, Christmas, weddings, birthdays, thank you gifts, house warming, happy retirement, wedding anniversary, gifts for compassion, and more. For someone with a small garden or balcony, climbing plants are perfect for providing masses of flowers and foliage from a modest lateral footprint. If your recipient has the space, fruit trees make wonderful presents. There is nothing more rewarding than growing and harvesting ones own fruit, tasing far better than anything you’ll find on the supermarket shelves. Heathers make a lovely small, cost-effective, potted gift – perhaps by picking a range of different varieties with different foliage and flower colours. Similarly, a few different herb plants may be chosen as a practical choice for the kitchen garden. Roses are another favourite for presents with many having names significant to special occasions such as Many Happy Returns, Silver Anniversary or Ruby Wedding.

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7-10 Litre pot (90cm stem, 4-6cm girth)
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