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Shop all plants for full sun

If you have a south-facing plot or simply an open garden with little to cast a shadow such as trees, fences and hedges, your plants will get plenty of light. Beds and borders in full sun will be basked in over 6 hours of unfiltered sunlight per day with some plants coping better with this than others. It makes for ideal growing conditions for herbaceous perennials, fruits trees and prairie-style planting, whilst moisture-hungry plants may wilt and die. Plants in sunny borders have much higher watering requirements than those in cooler shaded borders, especially when newly planted, so ensure you pay special attention to them when irrigating the garden. To foster deep, extensive root growth, provide a thorough watering every few days, rather than a daily light sprinkle. Building plenty of water-retaining organic matter into your soil before planting will also help.

Silver and yellow is a classic colour combination for hot, dry borders – for example, silver-leaved perennials such as Artemisia can combine really well with a golden yellow flowered Achillea. Sedum and Salvia plants are another popular combination for dry, sunny borders too. For a centre-piece showstopper in a spot in full sun and plenty of space, look no further than the Monkey Puzzle Tree. Also in the tree department for full sun are Acer Griseum, the Paper Bark Maple, with its stunning, smooth cinnamon-coloured, peeling bark and Acer Katsura with its vibrant, varied foliage.  Good climbing plants for full sun include the variegated Actinidia Kolomikta or the Chocolate Vine, Akebia Quinata with its vanilla scented purple-maroon spring flowers.

Buy Abelia x grandiflora (Abelia) online from Jacksons Nurseries
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Buy Abelia x grandiflora Kaleidoscope (Abelia) online from Jacksons Nurseries
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Buy Achillea millefolium Paprika (Yarrow) online from Jacksons Nurseries. Save 20%
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