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Japanese maple trees for full sun

Japanese maple trees are commonly thought of as shade-loving plants, or at least preferring some protection from the hottest midday sun to avoid the leaves getting scorched. That said, if you select the variety carefully and give them the right care, Japanese maples will thrive in sunny spots of the garden, even in the warmest southern parts of the UK. Regular watering is key to stop Japanese maples from drying out when growing in full sun. Plant your acer in a free draining soil and water well but not excessively, ensuring the water does not ‘puddle’ around the roots (they don’t like being too wet or waterlogged either). A regular mulch of organic matter such as well rotted garden compost or bark chippings is useful to both preserve moisture and suppress weeds. The Japanese maple varieties best for full sun conditions are listed below.

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7-10 Litre pot (150-180cm tall)
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7-10 Litre pot

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