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Conifer plants for full sun

Conifers are evergreen trees or shrubs with scale-like leaves or needles and seed-bearing cones. Easy to grow and pest and disease fee, they’re excellent for adding colour, shape and texture to your borders. Some conifers cope with full, direct sunlight better than others. In this section, we’ve handpicked the ones that cope best with being basked in 6+ hours of unfiltered sunlight per day. Conifers for full sun can work well as rockery garden plants or simply in mixed borders on the south or west-facing side of your house. Our selection here spans different varieties including Chamaecyparis, Juniper, Thuja and pine conifers, in addition to more unusual choices such as the monkey puzzle or maidenhair tree. Some of these can be great wildlife attracting plants too with the protective cones providing a feast for birds. Don’t forget that plants in sunny borders have higher watering requirements than those in cooler shaded borders, especially whilst becoming established, so ensure you pay them special attention with the watering can, especially during the first year. To foster deep, extensive root growth, provide a thorough watering every few days, rather than a daily light sprinkle. Building plenty of water-retaining organic matter into your soil before planting will also help.

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