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Climbing plants for full sun

Climbers are highly versatile plants producing beautiful flowers and lush foliage with a natural tendency to climb, scramble or ramble. They're perfect for covering unsightly walls and fences, adding height and colour through arches or pergolas, or simply making efficient use of floor space in smaller gardens and balconies. Some climbing plants handle long days of intense, unfiltered sunlight better than others. If you’re looking for something to cover a south or west-facing wall or fence, which receive the most sunlight (typically over 6 hours of direct sunshine per day), a variety from this selection would be most suitable. Some climbers twine around their supporting framework, whereas others self-cling to the climbing surface – this will dictate whether you’ll need to put a support structure such as wires or a trellis in place. Give climbing plants grown in full sun a generous mulch in spring to aid moisture retention. Remember that climbing plants access to rainfall is often limited by walls and eaves, meaning your plants may still need to be watered during periods of hot, dry weather, even if they’re interspersed with rain showers. You can use the filters below to narrow your search based on soil type, eventual height and spread, hardiness, flowering time and colour and other features.

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Buy Clematis 'Marjorie' (Clematis) online from Jackson's Nurseries. Save 17%
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