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Climbing plants for containers

Container-grown climbers are highly versatile, adding another dimension to the garden, softening hard lines and providing a flush of colour and interest. They are perfect for adding ascent to patios and even balconies or giving that extra bit of privacy from nosey neighbours. Most climbers can be grown in containers but some are better suited than others and some are appropriate but only with a very large pot. Compact forms of Clematis and Honeysuckle are the most common choices for very good reason, but there are plenty more. Clematis have distinctive flowers in a range of colour including reds, purples, blues, pinks and whites. They're mostly fully hardy, prefer sun or partial shade and easy to grow. Honeysuckle are another popular climber with sweetly scented summer flowers in attractive clusters. They're ideal for a spot where their roots will be in the shade with upper growth in the sun. For a truly exotic display look no further than the passion flower (Passiflora caerulea), providing you're able to position it in a warm part of the garden and reliably provide frost protection. A climbing rose is the first choice for many people as they'll produce an abundance of sweetly scented blooms. Whilst this is true, most roses are only suitable for very tall containers because their deep tap roots make them unsuitable for more conventional sized pots.

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