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Shop all plants for acidic soil

The acid loving plant that first springs to mind for most gardeners is the rhododendron. Rhododendrons are grown for their abundant clusters of spectacular, large, distinctive flowers, usually produced in spring above an impressive structure of spirally arranged large, leathery evergreen leaves. For smaller spaces consider azaleas, these are a sub-set of the rhododendron family that are smaller growing, may be evergreen or deciduous and produce long-lasting spring flowers which clothe the entire bush, available in a wide variety of colours. Camellias are another popular choice, boasting flamboyant flowers in shades of pink, red and white above attractive, glossy evergreen foliage. Camellia flowers come in a range of forms from single to fully double and anemone to rose and are produced in early spring for Camellia Japonica and late autumn for Camellia Sasanqua varieties. And for an oriental style garden, look no further than pieris plants with their beautiful clusters of lantern-shaped, pink or white spring flowers. Pieris are evergreen shrubs which naturally form an attractive, bushy shape without any pruning with spirally-arranged, leathery leaves and fiery red new growth in spring, perfect for the border, patio container, tub or woodland garden.

Heathers are naturally suited to thriving in acidic soils in exposed locations, being the dominant plants in most heathlands and moorlands in Europe with flower colours spanning whites, pinks, purples and reds. Alternatively, ferns are shade-loving woodland plants that are very much at home in an acidic soil with their architectural pinnate leaf forms which look particularly beautiful as they erupt from new fronds. Ferns are perfect for adding architectural structure and simplicity to a garden, as well as making a graceful backdrop to showier plants such as flowering or berrying shrubs. Magnolia trees will succeed in an acidic soil, bearing instantly recognisable, goblet-shaped blooms on bare stems in spring before the leaves emerge. Magnolia are perfect for creating an instant impact, as standalone, specimen shrubs or small trees, either in the ground or a container. There are plenty of other lesser known plant options for acidic soils too, such as ceanothus, cornus, pyracantha, witch hazel and even some fruit bushes such as blackcurrants or blueberries. You can use the product filters on the right to further refine your search by sun/shade preference, flower colour, eventual height and spread, hardiness and more.

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