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Tricyrtis plants

Tricyrtis plants, commonly known as toad lilies, are exotic-looking, shade-loving perennials producing unusual, intricate flowers resembling orchids. The star-shaped blooms tend to be white or cream, extensively and prominently spotted with deep purple, giving a tropical, two-tone appearance. These are produced above long, lance-shaped, pale green foliage. Native to Japan, Korea and China where they occupy forest fringes where there is a break in the tree cover, they are well suited to the woodland garden and make excellent additions to shaded spots in the border. They’re also commonly found on sloped ground along creek beds, and at the edges of road and trail clearings. Their unique appearance and intriguing flowers certainly turn heads and will make you the envy of your neighbours! Spreading by underground rhizomes, they grow best in a moist yet well-drained, humus-rich soil. The most common explanation for the name toad lily is that the flowers and leaves are spotted like toads. Apply a layer of mulch in spring to help keep the roots cool.

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2 Litre pot
In stock
2 Litre pot

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