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Rudbeckia plants

Rudbeckia are popular, bushy perennials producing masses of brightly coloured, daisy-like flowers with a prominent central dome from mid-summer well into the autumn. Yellows are the most common, including the enduringly popular RHS Award of Garden Merit winner Rudbeckia Goldsturm, but in recent years some red and orange-flowered varieties have been produced too. Rudbeckia are perfect for adding vibrant colour to mixed or perennial borders or prairie-style planting schemes, whilst shorter varieties work well in patio containers or tubs. They combine particularly well with border perennials such as echinacea, perovskia and persicaria and their strong stems make them ideal for cut flowers. Commonly known as coneflower, Rudbeckia prefer a sunny spot in a rich soil with plenty of organic matter. Apply a granular feed and mulch with compost in spring, keep them well watered and apply a liquid feed once a fortnight over the growing season to encourage the biggest and best flowers.

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