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Penstemon plants

Penstemon are valuable perennials producing tall spikes of tubular flowers, similar in appearance to foxglove, from late summer right through to the first frost. Deserving of their place at the heart of every herbaceous border, they're well suited to the back of a border or bedding arrangements with certain varieties also suitable for the alpine garden. They could be just what you need for any border looking a little sparse in late summer, best planted in groups of three or five for maximum impact. The long-lasting, nectar-rich, nodding flowers are perfect for attracting bees and butterflies to the garden and can be cut for a bright, full-bodied floral arrangement indoors. Narrow leaved varieties tend to be the hardiest with broader-leaved varieties generally being more tender. Grow them in a well-drained, sunny border, mulch the crowns with well-rotted compost or manure each autumn to help see them through the winter and cut back old stems in April to allow new shoots to emerge.

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2 Litre pot
Buy Penstemon 'Apple Blossom' (Beard Tongue) online from Jacksons Nurseries.
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2 Litre pot
Buy Penstemon White Bedder (Beard Tongue) online from Jacksons Nurseries
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2 Litre pot

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