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Monarda plants

Monarda are beautiful woodland perennials producing masses of open, daisy-like blooms in vibrant shades of whites, reds, pinks and purples. These nectar-rich blooms are a favourite amongst bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects, making your garden a haven for wildlife. They are produced above a dense, clump-forming mass of aromatic foliage with a delightful light citrus fragrance. Commonly known as bee balm or Bergamot plants, these sun-loving perennials are fully hardy and prized for their long flowering period. Native to North America, they’re well suited to growing at the front of flower beds, mixed borders and container arrangements. Monarda are effective grown en masse in groups of the same variety, ideally near seating or areas you pass by often where their fragrance can be fully appreciated. They prefer a moist, humus-rich soil in a sunny spot protected from strong winds. Deadhead faded to flowers to encourage a fresh flush of blooms throughout the summer. For bushier plants, pinch out the growing tips as they appear in early spring.

In stock
2 Litre pot
In stock
2 Litre pot

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