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Liriope plants

Commonly known as big blue lilyturf, Liriope are clump-forming evergreen herbaceous perennials producing compact clumps of arching, strap-like lush green foliage. They produce beautiful, dense upright flower spikes filled with spherical blooms from August through November, followed by deep purple-black berries, set off beautifully against the grass-like foliage. Native to Japan, Taiwan and China, Liriope are shade-loving perennials well suited to under-planting larger roses, shrubs and trees or using to clothe patches of bare earth on banks and slopes. They’re also effective in informal patio and container displays and tolerant of pollution in city and courtyard gardens, growing best in a light, moderately fertile, neutral to slightly acidic soil in partial to dense shade. Avoid planting heavy clay, alkaline soils. Lift and divide congested clumps if required in spring. Spring is also the time to cut back tired foliage to ground level to rejuvenate your plants and keep them looking fresh.

In stock
2 Litre pot
In stock
2 Litre pot

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