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Libertia plants

Libertia are slender, upright, grass-like evergreen perennials producing dainty clusters of white or green flowers on erect, wiry stems above sword-shaped foliage from spring through summer. Reliable, easy to grow and long-lived, the flowers open up gradually to produce a subtle, informal, airy display. Commonly known as New Zealand Iris, Libertia are well suited to prairie-style planting schemes, combining particularly well with wispy grasses such as Stipa and Miscanthus. They’re also effective in the gravel garden or the front of flower borders alongside groups of contrasting coloured Michaelmas Daisies. The foliage is similar in appearance to iris, Libertia are fully hardy and will readily self-seed if allowed. Grow in full sun to light shade in a fertile, well-drained soil. Lift and divide congested clumps in spring or summer and cut away old, tired foliage to reveal attractive new growth each spring.

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