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Iris plants

Iris plants are strong and easy-going perennials producing distinctive, intricate flowers with an exotic appearance typically in shades of purple, lavenders, yellows and whites. The blooms are pleasantly scented and create an exquisite tapestry effect in spring or summer with translucent petals that look particularly beautiful in the evening light. Dwarf irises typically flower earlier in the spring, with intermediate sizes flowering in late spring and the taller bearded irises blooming from late spring through summer. The most popular group of bearded irises take their name from the prominent 'beard' of white or coloured hairs at the centre of each outer petal and some varieties are re-blooming, producing flowers once in spring and again in summer. With their lush, upright sword-shaped leaves, Irises make a spectacular addition to perennial and mixed borders or, in the case of Japanese irises that enjoy a moist soil, as graceful additions to poolside plantings. Named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow, they contrast well with peonies, sedums, lavender, coneflower and phlox. Irises also make excellent cut flowers with the best time to cut being just as the topmost flower is beginning to open, lasting around a week in a vase. Plant in a spot that gets full sun for at least half of the day and lift and divide congested clumps every 3-4 years.

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0.6/ 1 Litre pot
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