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Bleeding heart perennial plants

Bleeding heart (Lamprocapnos spectabilis) is a spring-flowering herbaceous perennial producing arching sprays of beautiful, heart-shaped flowers in shades of pink or white. It becomes completely clothed in flowers with up to 20 on each stem in spring with each bloom having a single dangling pendulous drop. These shade-loving perennials are perfect for woodland gardens and in the shadow of larger shrubs and trees, combining well with hellebores, Brunnera and pulmonaria, which all bloom around the same time to create a beautiful, informal, cottage garden style display. They also combine well with leafy perennials such as hostas and heuchera as well as ferns. Lamprocapnos are herbaceous and tend to die back to the ground when the heat of the summer arrives. Grow them in a humus-rich, well-drained soil, mixing in some good quality compost if you have a poor soil. Choose a sheltered site where the delicate flowers will be protected from strong winds and heavy rainfall and feed each spring with a slow-release granular feed.

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2 Litre pot
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2 Litre pot
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2 Litre pot
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2 Litre pot

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