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Agastache plants

Agastache plants are tall, upright herbaceous perennials producing beautiful fuzzy flower spikes comprising of many tiny florets from summer through autumn. The flowers are commonly found in shades of deep violet to lavender purple but also available in red, white or orange. They are produced above spear-shaped, dull green foliage with heavy veining and an aromatic, liquorice scent, sometimes a bronze-tinged, resembling the leaves of cat mint. Agastache combine well with wispy grasses, late-flowering perennials and dahlias. Their nectar-rich blooms are attractive to beneficial insects such as bees, butterflies and hoverflies. They are drought tolerant and actually grow best in a dry, free draining soil with low nutrients. Avoid heavier clay soils and do not allow them to sit with wet feet. Part of the Hyssop family of herbs, agastache are frost tender and so prefer a sheltered spot; alternatively they may be grown as annuals. Perfect for growing at the back of a perennial border or lining a fence. They’re also effective in containers and the cutting garden and the leaves can be used to make flavourful teas.

In stock
2 Litre pot

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