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Marjoram plants

Marjoram has a more delicate flavour and is commonly used fresh,  unlike its close relative oregano which has a stronger flavour and is typically dried before use in the kitchen. Marjoram is a popular addition to Italian and Greek dishes such as pasta, soups, meat dishes and stuffing. It is best added at the end of cooking - this helps preserve their best taste as the essential marjoram oils that provide the smell and flavour are unstable. Growing your own marjoram will allow you to harvest leaves as and when needed, providing a fresh taste of the Mediterranean right on your doorstep. They’re also effective at attracting wildlife such as butterflies and beneficial insects into the garden, growing well standalone in the border or containers or as companion plants.  Marjoram plants grown in containers should be watered little and often with pot feet used to allow the water to drain away freely. They don’t like being over-watered or sitting with wet feet as this may cause the roots to rot. Keep them tidy and compact by giving them a trim after the flowers have faded at the end of summer, cutting back any dead or damaged stems to the base. Pick leaves before the flower buds open, use fresh or dry out and store the leaves for using later. To keep your supply of marjoram going through the winter, lift plants in autumn, pot up and place in a bright spot under cover, protected from the frost.

Buy Golden Marjoram (Origanum majorana 'Aureum') online from Jacksons Nurseries.
In stock
9cm pot
Buy Marjoram (Origanum majorana) online from Jacksons Nurseries
In stock
9cm pot

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