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Shop all hardy garden plants

The cold winter months can rend the garden an inhospitable place for your plants, especially in exposed gardens such as those close to the coast or at high elevation levels in vast open spaces. Exposed borders have to withstand a revolving cycle of drying winds and scorching sunlight in the summer, followed by freezing gales, snow and ice in the winter. Even otherwise sheltered gardens may have frost pockets, perhaps because certain areas are lower lying or cast into shadow for part of the day. Hardy plants are those which are more capable of dealing with bitterly cold temperatures and stand up to snow and ice better than their half hardy and tender counterparts. These plants have adapted to challenging conditions, for example with tough leathery or hairy leaves which protect against salt damage and moisture loss. Virtually all of our plants are grown on our own Staffordshire plant nursery at 750ft above sea level, thereby creating hardy plants that will be more tolerant of the challenging conditions in your garden. Remember that no plant is totally infallible and it’s still advisable to install windbreak protection, stake newly planted trees and install windbreak netting against newly installed hedging plants in exposed areas.

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2 Litre pot
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2 Litre pot
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7-10 Litre pot (120-150cm stem)
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10-15 Litre pot (100-120cm stem)
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7-15 Litre pot (120-150cm stem)
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Buy Achillea millefolium Paprika (Yarrow) online from Jacksons Nurseries. Save 20%
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£9.99 £7.99
2 Litre pot
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2 Litre pot
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£11.99 £9.99
2 Litre pot
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£11.99 £9.99
2 Litre pot
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2 Litre pot

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