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Hardy perennials

Perennials are known for their bright colours and for being the focal point in a garden throughout the warmer months. Despite the sometimes quaint and fragile look of the blooms, perennials are generally hardy and will survive through harsh weather and winters. However, due to the seasonality of perennials, they are best combined with evergreen shrubs to avoid empty spaces being left in your garden through the winter months. With the correct care, perennials will keep coming back, year after year, even in gardens where the weather can be unforgiving. We recommend a selection of perennials here that demonstrate good cold hardiness.

For some architectural flair, Ancathus Mollis has large, deeply lobed, glossy dark leaves that form an impressive clumped base and produces tall spikes of white flowers with a purple ‘hood’ from late spring to early summer. For adding movement to your garden, consider Astilbe x arendsii 'Bressingham Beauty' with its beautiful, arching feathery bright pink flower plumes, which flow in the slightest of breezes. Alternatively, Hemerocallis ‘Crimson Pirate’ with its firey crimson red flowers if you want something to set the border ablaze. Ophiopogon Black Dragon is an evergreen, grass-like perennial with stunning purple-green, strap-like leaves and delicate spikes of tiny, bell-shaped flowers in summer.

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