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Rose plants for ground cover

Ground cover roses are a varied group which, to a greater or lesser extent, are wider than they are tall. They tend to be free-flowering, producing small flowers that repeat very well, offering several months of colour and interest. Ground cover roses help fill gaps where there are bare patches of earth in the border, hold the soil together on banks and slopes to control erosion and suppress weeds to make a gardeners life that bit easier. Like all roses, ground cover varieties prefer a sunny spot in a well drained, fertile soil. They will cope with partial shade but flower best with plenty of direct sunlight. They’re hungry plants, benefitting from a regular application of rose feed during the growing season. The ground cover roses we sell are modern varieties, very tough and healthy and displaying resistance to common rose problems. Rose Suffolk is a low growing, deciduous groundcover rose which produces single, beautiful scarlet-red blooms throughout summer and autumn. These are followed by burnt orange hips, which contrast beautifully with the mid-green foliage. Rosa White Flower 'Carpet' is a low growing, deciduous groundcover rose which produces single, beautiful white blooms throughout summer and autumn, which contrast beautifully with the mid-green foliage. Several polyantha shrub roses also work well for ground cover too, such as rose ‘ballerina’ and rose ‘the fairy’.

Buy Rosa Ballerina (Polyantha shrub) online from Jacksons Nurseries Save 31%
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£12.99 £8.99
3-4 Litre pot
Buy Rosa Marie Pavie (Polyantha shrub) online from Jacksons Nurseries.
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3-4 Litre pot
Save 33%
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£11.99 £7.99
2 Litre pot
Buy Rosa 'Swany' (Groundcover Rose) online from Jacksons Nurseries.
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3-4 Litre pot
In stock
3-4 Litre pot

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