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Wispy grass plants

Wispy grasses refers to varieties with light, fine-textured, almost feathery foliage, typically deciduous with attractive curled leaf tips. These beauties are clump-forming growers, producing dense tufts of gently arching leaves, often taking on stunning autumn foliage colours in shades of coppery-reds and oranges. Some varieties produce flower spikes in the summer, held on stems above the foliage. They’re perfect for adding movement to your garden as they gently rustle in the breeze, creating a natural, serene and tranquil environment. Wispy grasses work well behind or around seating areas, perhaps at the bottom of the garden away from the buzz of the family home. They’re also well suited to growing on the edge of a mixed border, allowed to trail gracefully over the lawn and may even be used as specimen plants surrounded by green ground cover in more informal style gardens. They also combine well with perennials, ferns, flowering bulbs and summer bedding in flower bed, border or containers.

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