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Fragrant climbing plants

Fragrant climbing plants fill your garden with the wonderful ingredient of scent, whilst taking up limited lateral space. They enhance the sensory pleasure of the garden and are perfect for growing up walls, trellis, arches, arbours and other support structures close to entrances, patios or other places you pass by often so the pleasant scent can be appreciated more frequently. The scent of honeysuckle (lonicera) on a midsummer evening is a delight in the garden. Honeysuckle will also succeed in partial shade - in the wild it is often found scrambling through hedgerows – and can also be grown up through trees, perhaps alongside a climbing rose for a double hit of fragrance. Alternatively, star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) is a woody evergreen climber producing beautiful white blooms with an intense, sweet fragrance, set off against dark green leaves. Star jasmine is half hardy, so best grown against a sunny wall, otherwise it can be grown in a cool room indoors. Chocolate vine, aka Akebia quinata, is another good choice producing purple-maroon flowers with a spicy, exotic fragrance with a hint of vanilla. And a section on fragrant climbers would not be complete without wisteria with their long, pendant clusters of delicately fragranced, pea-like, lilac pink or white blooms in spring and velvety autumn seed pods.

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