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Evergreen conifer plants

Conifers are a staple of many gardens, providing year-round colour and structure whilst being low maintenance and easy to grow. They create a professional architectural look, equally effective in the border or containers - container growing dwarf conifers is a great option in smaller gardens. For rockery gardens, limit your selection to dwarf conifers; anything larger will end up requiring you to lift the stones to remove it at a later date. Rockery conifers combine well with shrubs like Daphne and miniature bulbs. If you're looking to plant fast-growing varieties and want to control their height, commit to pruning at least once a year. Conifers supplied in pots can be planted at any time of the year, providing the ground is not frozen or waterlogged and it's not excessively windy. If you have the choice, early autumn planting works best for most conifers so their roots can establish whilst the soil is still warm, leaving them best equipped to cope with the winter cold and grow strongly in spring.

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