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Variegated climbing plants

Variegated climbers are those displaying multiple colours on their foliage, often referring to leaves that are edged in a different colour or distinctively blotched in a contrasting shade. Variegation is a popular feature across the entire plants department and, in the case of climbers, is appreciated for the colour and interest it can bring to vertical space on a modest footprint. Most variegated climbers are evergreen and often they’re of the ivy variety. Ivy Dentata Variegata is a great large and fast growing choice with large, mottled grey-green leaves edged with cream, perfect for brightening a dark corner in partial or dappled shade. Alternatively, Ivy Sulphur Heart is a large leaved variegated evergreen ivy that has gold and lime green variegations that gets brighter as the plant grows older, contrasting well with plants like Jasminum nudiflorum and Cotoneaster horizontalis. Other choices include climbing hydrangea Miranda with its gold-edged, heart-shaped leaves and fragrant white summer flowers and lonicera Aureoreticulata with bright green oval leaves, strongly veined in contrasting yellow, almost like yellow netting and bright white scented summer blooms.

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