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Climbing plants are perfect for bringing colour and interest to your outdoor space on a modest footprint. These beauties have a natural tendancy to climb, scramble or ramble with attractive foliage and cheery, colourful and sometimes scented blooms, with some varieties also producing velvety seed pods in the autumn. There are two main types of true climber - self-clinging climbers and twining climbers. Self-clinging varieties are those which naturally adhere to the climbing surface via aerial roots or adhesive pads. Ivy (Hedera), Hydrangea Petiolaris and Campsis have aerial roots, whilst varieties such as Virginia Creeper have adhesive pads along the stems. These climbers will cling to textured walls or woodwork without the need for a support. On the other hand, twining climbers ascend by wrapping themselves around poles, wires or trellis with examples including Honeysuckle, Clematis, Jasmine and Wisteria. These varieties need a framework of supports to succeed. Beginners may find out guide on how to plant, grow and care for climbing plants useful.

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