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Large climbing plants to cover a large wall or area

Climbers are versatile plants with a natural tendancy to climb, scramble or ramble. Large growing climbers are perfect for achieving extensive coverage of a wall, fence or any other vertical space in the garden you’re looking to beautify. Some climbers such as wisteria and lonicera require a support structure such as wires or trellis to twine around, whereas others such as Hedera, Campsis and Passiflora actually self-cling to their climbing surface. Either way, the climbing surface and any supports should be secure and strong as climbing plants can become heavy with age. Campsis, or trumpet honeysuckle plants, are a popular tall-growing deciduous climber producing masses of tropical-looking, trumpet-shaped blooms at the end of branches all summer long.

Alternatively, to cover a large area quickly, look no further than virginia creeper with their crimson-red autumn foliage colours and purple winter berries that provide a valuable food source for birds. Just bear in mind virginia creeper is very vigorous and will need regular pruning to keep it in check one it’s filled it’s designated space. A number of wisteria varieties are also adept at covering larger areas, producing masses of long, scented racemes of purple-tinged flowers in spring and early summer. Their flowers are displayed above pinnate, mid-green deciduous foliage and followed by velvety seed pods that add interest through the autumn as other plants start to fade.

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