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Climbing plants with yellow flowers

Yellow brings a real sense of warmth, vibrancy and cheer to any garden. Yellow flowering climbers in particular are invaluable for providing a splash of colour and interest on a modest footprint, perfect for clothing a wall, fence, pergola, arch, arbour or trellis. Smaller growing varieties such as Lonicera Scentsation are also well suited to growing in a pot or container (with the necessary support), producing large showy clusters of ivory and golden-yellow blooms with a deliciously sweet scent. Larger-growing yellow honeysuckles such as Lonicera Copper Beauty and Lonicera Belgica do an excellent job for slightly larger spaces and combine well with early flowering clematis. The best yellow-flowering self-clinging climber, which will secure itself to a textured wall or fence without the need for wire or pole supports, is Campsis Flava, producing masses of delightfully tropical, rich yellow, trumpet-shaped blooms at the ends of the branches all summer long. You may find out guides on how to choose a climbing plant and how to grow climbing plants useful.

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