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Fast growing hedging plants

Fast growing hedging plants are perfect if you’re looking to create a dense hedge in a short space of time, typically growing 40-60cm per year under good conditions. Contrary to popular belief, fast growing hedging is generally easy to grow and trouble free – they’ll need pruning twice a year, particularly once they reach the desired size to keep them in check, but can otherwise be left to their own devices. Conifers such as leylandii are popular and available in both green and gold varieties, alternatively Lonicera Baggesen’s Gold has been a firm favourite for many years with arching shoots covered by small, bright yellow leaves. The spiny branches of berberis quickly form an effective impenetrable, intruder proof hedge (a good pair of gardening gloves when planting is essential!) whilst evergreen shrubs such as cherry laurel with large glossy oval leaves and photinia red robin with bright red young growth are both highly effective. Hedging plants are the cornerstone of any garden, creating an attractive boundary that has a big impact on privacy and enjoyment in your outdoor space. Hedges provide a visibility screen and reduce noise pollution, all whilst providing a home and shelter for wildlife and nesting birds. Careful planning and preparation will help you get the best results - check out our guide to hedging plants for more information.

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2-3 Litre pot
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7-10 Litre pot
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2-3 Litre pot
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2-4 Litre pot
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3-5 Litre pot
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3 Litre pot
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2-3 Litre pot
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2 Litre pot
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2-4 Litre pot
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10-15 Litre pot (60-80cm)
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2-3 Litre pot
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5 Litre pot

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